I have always silently loved all the people I have met so far in my life, wathever role they were playing, the good, the bad or the ugly. This is because I see wonderful souls in everyone, only temporarily wrapped in sleep that gives them the opportunity to have experiences that in an awakened state would not be possible. When we eliminate judgment, we find wonderful beauty in all of this.
It is this love that I have felt for humanity since I was a child that inspired me to embrace the creative process of life. I am therefore a soul and an artist. Through music, photography and words I crystallize and share my feeling and the awareness that is constantly expanding out of it as I progress in this wonderful journey within the human operating system.
The intent is simply to evolve (remember) and, in this evolution, to be supportive in the awakening process that is unfolding during the intense transition that humanity is experiencing in this delicate moment of its journey.
It is through creativity that I constantly stimulate new awareness in myself.
Then, through the sharing of my creation, I offer, to those who wish it, a way of feeling life from a different point of view and, through